Shanghai Electric-KSB Nuclear Pumps Valves Co.,Ltd.-_正规赌钱软件app
HPR1000-Zhangzhou Units 1&2
Hualong One is a third-generation nuclear power technology with China's exclusive intellectual property rights, meeting the latest global safety standards. It is a major symbolic achievement in the history of China's nuclear innovation and development, as well as significant to China’s development into a country with strong nuclear power in the future. The construction of Zhangzhou Units 1&2 reflects the mass construction of Hualong One serial facilities.

    SEC-KSB will supply Zhangzhou 1&2 with RSRs, RHRs, CHTCs, NLTs, RVTs and OMEGAs. The products for Zhangzhou Unit 1 have been delivered to the site.

SEC-KSB can provide HPR1000 NPPs with complete safety-related and non-safety-related pumps and solutions.

SEC-KSB's HPR1000 RSR have the following design features:

  • Operational safety

Medium-lubricated guide bearing

3 mechanical seals

  • Flexible connection between motor and pump

Integrity under upset conditions

Cooling of mechanical seals through thermosyphon effect

  • 100% tightness to withstand the SBO condition

Improved 3 mechanical seals (double-redundant)

Plus 2 standstill seals

  • Quick Maintenance

Self-centered Hirth-type serration of connections

Fastened by hydraulic bolts

Seals or water-lubricated guide bearing check without moving motor

Contact Us
Shanghai Electric-KSB Nuclear Pumps Valves Co.,Ltd.
Address:No.257 Yitian Rd., Pudong District, Shanghai, China
Post code:201306
Tel: +86 21 38221500
Fax:+86 21 38221501