Shanghai Electric Wind Power Selected into China Digital Transformation Top 50 List
2022/04/19  EN_正规赌钱软件app

Recently, Harvard Business Review, Tsinghua University Institute for Global Industry and SAP launched the YUE project for a new digital transformation paradigm, and the Shanghai Electric Wind Power Group was selected into the China Digital Transformation Top 50 list as one of the leading practitioners in the energy sector.

In the era of VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity), all companies are facing operational uncertainty due to rapid changes in the market. It is essential to address challenges and improve certainty in organizational management by transformation. The Wind Power Group has embraced the trend and is fully engaged in digital transformation. With customer value as the driving force and digital technology as the tool, the Group is reshaping its corporate culture, innovating its products and business models, and conducting organizational reconstructing and management reforming. It has introduced a digital platform for wind farm design, a digital platform for integrated wind farm management, a series of digital products for smart wind farms, and a digital platform for delivery, forming a package of digital solutions covering the user lifecycle and providing customers with a full digital experience from site selection, project delivery to wind farm operation and maintenance.

The project aims to identify resilient explorers and practitioners that create real value through digital transformation, maintain innovative vitality and have a positive impact on industrial change with a focus on both social and economic benefits. This year, it focuses on five major sectors: electronics and information, energy, retail, automotive and finance, and conducts a multi-faceted comparison and analysis from both business and management perspectives to identify the top 10 listed companies in each sub-sector.